
We now have a fully searchable catalogue of resources featuring: RT’s own reporting of key ‘media events’; a variety of governmental and think tank reports on ‘information war’ and ‘hybrid warfare’; academic journal articles; newspaper coverage of RT’s operations; web resources and video recordings. One of the easiest ways to browse relevant items is to sort the results first by resource type (‘item type’), to filter by academic articles, government and think tank reports, media coverage etc. Alternatively, you can search for specific items and topics by keyword. Precise search terms will yield the most helpful results.

Relevant scholarly projects

There are a number of scholarly projects currently being undertaken on topics relevant to Russian media, social media and politics. You can discover more information about some of these below (all external links).

The Computational Propaganda Research Project (COMPROP), University of Oxford

The Consequences of the Internet for Russia’s Informational Influence Abroad, LMU University of Munich, PI Dr Florian Toepfl

Human Communication Beyond Words: Russian Media, University of Oxford, Dr Anna Pleshakova

Russian Media Lab, University of Helsinki, PI Prof. Markku Kangaspuro

Social Media and Political Participation (SMaPP), New York University

Strategies of Persuasion: Russian Propaganda in the Algorithmic Age (STRAPPA), Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, PI Dr Marielle Wijermars