Project Events

“Populism, Post-Truth and the Challenges for Journalists” | Roundtable Discussion, November 7, 2019

How useful are the terms ‘fake news’ and ‘post truth’? Are established professional values such as ‘due impartiality’ under threat and does this matter? What is the biggest challenge facing journalism today and what is the best way to deal with it?

These were some of the questions posed to the participants of the roundtable discussion hosted by our project. The debate—entitled “Populism, Post-Truth and the Challenges for Journalists”—brought together journalists working for RT, BBC, ABC, SVT and other media outlets, as well as academics and diplomats from diverse national backgrounds and from across the so-called ‘information war’ divide. The participants questioned the assumptions of the term and posed provocations on key issues resulting in the current decline of public trust in both political and media establishments. They also reflected on the difficulties such developments pose in their day-to-day work.

The discussion was held on November 7 in London under Chatham House rules. The substance of the debate will inform the future work of our project.

See the event photo gallery here.


26th October, 2018 – members of the Reframing Russia team presented their preliminary research findings to a small audience of advisory board members. Attendees included academics and postgraduate researchers from various disciplines and countries; journalists and members of international broadcasting bodies; and representatives of policy-oriented think tanks.

The event provided an invaluable opportunity for extended debate and discussion about our research to date, and the ways in which it can be developed over the future course of the project: including discussions of methods, case studies, and impact opportunities.

The whole of the Reframing Russia team would like to thank our advisory board members and guests for their attendance, attention and input. We continue to welcome all of your comments on our ongoing work.

Our launch event took place on 12th October, 2017 at the Frontline Club in London. The event featured a key note address from Professor Ellen Mickiewicz from Duke University and a lively and in-depth panel discussion featuring Mary Dejevsky from The Independent, Professor Tomila Lankina from the London School of Economics, James Nixey from Chatham House and Professor Ben O’Loughlin from Royal Holloway University, London.

Launch poster